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The Adult Orphan
We all keep it in mind that our parents are going to die one day, but even though we know this is inevitable, many people are bewildered...
Why do I attract the wrong type of people, and stay in unhealthy relationships?
I see many people in my Practice who want to understand, and then stop, falling in to repetitive relationship patterns, where they are...
The truth about Domestic Abuse
Over the years of practising as a psychotherapist, I have worked with many survivors of sex, childhood and domestic abuse. The feelings...
What are your relationship Ts & Cs
Although we may not acknowledge it, our relationships come with a two way set of Terms and Conditions that could rival a broadband...
What are the signs of passive aggression?
Passive aggressive behaviour takes many forms but can generally be described as a non-verbal aggression that manifests in negative...
Ten ways to reduce your anxiety
1. Take time out It's always difficult to think clearly when you're overcome with anxiety, stress or fear. A racing heart, sweating...
Guilt and Grief - its only natural
Guilt is a normal response to the belief that we’ve somehow failed in our duties and obligations or that we’ve done something wrong. It...
What's your trauma?
We often think of trauma as being something associated with a disaster, major event, or accident that has a serious affect on ours or...
Getting intimate
Human relationships have a very complex nature and people often find it difficult to understand the underlying blocks in their intimate...
When did you last put yourself first?
Think it's selfish, think again. I find a lot of people coming to counselling for the first time feel uncomfortable when asked to think...
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